Valya - 111012 |
Memento mori is a Latin phrase translated as "Remember your mortality", "Remember you must die" or "Remember you will die". It refers to a genre of artworks that vary widely but which all share the same purpose: to remind people of their mortality, an artistic theme dating back to antiquity. - Wikipedia
Maybe it is watching the dead leaves fall from the trees. I am feeling the connections between life and death more and more. I've written about the connection between sex and the universe, spirituality, and connection to the greater.
I also wrote briefly about the French term for orgasm, le petit mort, "the little death" or the "...spiritual release that comes with orgasm or to a short period of
melancholy or transcendence as a result of the expenditure of the 'life force'"
(Wikipedia, again)
I am now going to write about the connection I feel between sex and death. It isn't that sex can kill or lead to death for me, but more of an overall acceptance of both in my life. Sex is a part of me as much as my heart, my eyes, my penis, and my soul. It is part of me and I am part of it. For me, sex is life and life is sex, but also a cousin to death.
While some may argue that the opposite of life is death, death comes only from a life ending. Life has no real meaning if we don't face death. Sex is part of it all. Sex creates life. Life leads to death. The circle seems a perverse threesome.
Death is just a tad bit younger than life and it is one of the oldest
organic conditions in our existence. Maybe by connecting sex to
creating new life, the opposite of death, the orgasm gives us a taste of
both in the blissful moment.- me
Sex makes me feel more alive than ever, especially during it. Afterward though, during the post-glow quietness, I feel closer to my mortality. It is an acceptance and a reminder that I am a little closer to it, at least one orgasm closer. It is not a morose feeling, just an acknowledgement and acceptance of it being in my future. Maybe that is why I feel closer to the universe during and after sex. A small part of sex plays a role in the painting of my life. It is the little skull in the corner acting as my
momento mori. It is me feeling alive and in some small way dieing just a little bit inside me.